Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Stall! Stall!

My apologies to all my readers, work has been crazy and some new 'big brother rules' have been installed but I may have figured out how to get around it! Write from home you say? Nay! I couldn't afford our cable bill they have shutteth me off! Lucky for me everything has been quite drab out here in the desert and sooner than later I'll get the ability back to write daily. You haven't missed anything except for:

-A out of control drunken nazi invading my home
-An incredible 5 day bender that left me staring into God's flashlight 2 seperate times
-A 19 year old mormon begging me to record her in my destroyed studio
-Me destroying my studio
-Another classic but shorter bender leaving me at a Walmart at 7:30am
-The Amish finale back East!
-Me getting the flu! And recouping!
-Ending a fine booze driven night by asking a random drunk Mexican named Jose for a lift home in his crazy super built up Monte Carlo.

Nothing crazy. Stay tuned I'll be back sooner than later- probably tomorrow.

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